Oslo World maps the festival world

Oslo World kartlegger festivalverdenen
Written by
Urszula Tarasiewicz

Oslo World maps the festival world

The Oslo World festival has created a great map of music festivals around the world.

The Oslo World festival, with which we work closely as a music club every year, has created a great map of music festivals around the world. You can move virtually to different regions to listen to playlists created especially for this map. It's also nice to visit the pages of these festivals and discover new great musicians and their work.

"We are also part of an international festival family. And we have started a project to create a map of all these festivals. We have asked festival bookers all around the world to share their favourite music right here, right now through playlists containing 20 songs per festival.

The map is meant as a reminder of the way festivals represent different views and music philosophies, in addition to being places where people meet to have a good time. All over the world, festivals represent cultural gravity points, each and every one contibruting to a vibrant and pluralistic global music scene."

Oslo World maps the festival world